
    Tuesday, 26 February 2013

    Make STAR WARS message greet you when you open the terminal

    I am a great fan of STAR WARS like many of you out there. So I decided to write a script which greets me with star wars message every time I open my Terminal to code.
    Suppose say you are using Bash, when you open your terminal the file ~/.bashrc will run. Similarly if you are using Zsh => ~/.zshrc will run. So basically I can just put an echo statement in that to make it greet me every time I open my terminal. Today lets do something more interesting. Someting like this:

    To get this you can just download this gist and add the contents in it to ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc or ~/.cshrc ..etc depending on which shell you are using. Or you can just copy the following and paste it in ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc or ~/.cshrc

    Saturday, 16 February 2013

    (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address

    I was setting up SSL on localhost to get https://localhost. I was successfully able to get the digital signature, sign it. But when i restarted apache2 I was getting this error:

    (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address

    This means that port was already being listened. Hence at first I tried to kill the processes which are using that port. When this didn't work I tried this:

    open /etc/apache2/ports.conf
    Remove the line outside any <IfModule> tag which says Listen 443

    Problem solved!!

    Wednesday, 6 February 2013

    Top 100 apps / software / libraries in Linux

    Yesterday I took up the task of of listing out top hundred+ apps/softwares/libraries I use in Linux thinking that it might help people to make a list of what they have to install when they have newly installed linux.

    1. vim - Vi improved
    2. gvim - Vim with GUI
    3. emacs
    4. kate
    5. geany - Good editor for many languages.
    6. bluefish - Good editor for PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS
    7. code blocks
    8. eclipse
    9. netbeans
    10. pycharm 
    11. jedit

    12. qt designer - Design in Qt
    13. pyqt4 - Python Qt library
    14. qt creater - Design and Code for Qt
    15. freeglut - OpenGL library
    16. filezilla - Good ftp client
    17. g++ - c/c++ compiler
    18. cmake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator
    19. wireshark - Packet analyser
    20. unetbootin - startup disk creater
    21. apache2 - apache server
    22. mysql - mysql client/server
    23. php5 - php5 library
    24. php5-mysql - mysql library for php
    25. ipython - interactive python shell
    26. phpmyadmin - manage mysql databases
    27. open-jdk - java development kit
    28. git - revision control
    29. sqlite3 - database
    30. arduino - arduino programming
    31. linux-matlab - matlab for linux
    32. FontForge - create your ttf, ps..etc
    33. xampp

      General stuff
    34. unrar - extract files from rar archives
    35. ark - KDE archiving tool
    36. kchmviewer -  Windows CHM viewer for KDE
    37. gsnash-viewer - swf viewer
    38. virtualbox - x86 virtualization solution
    39. wine - wine is not an emulator
    40. deluge - torrent client
    41. linuxdcpp - Dc++ client
    42. ubuntu-tweak -tweak ubuntu settings
    43. compiz-config -change compiz settings
    44. k3b - CD/DVD buring tool
    45. brasero - CD/DVD buring tool
    46. nerolinux - CD/DVD buring tool
    47. playonlinux - Play on Linux
    48. q4wine -runs  GUI utility for wine applications and prefixes management.
    49. dropbox - cloud
    50. gnome-do - Launcher application
    51. gparted - partition manager
    52. empathy - GNOME multi-protocol chat and call client
    53. lightread - Google reader
    54. pidgin - IM client
    55. dolphin - File manager
    56. thunderbird - Mail manager
    57. cheese - webcam client
    58. evolution - calander
    59. adobe flash player
    60. axel - A light download accelerator for Linux
    61. proxychains - proxifier for linux
    62. ubuntu one - ubuntu cloud
    63. stellarium - astronomy
    64. byobu - cool terminal
    65. burg - customize how your bootloader looks
    66. dosbox
    67. docky - dock
    68. avant-window-navigator - MacOS X like panel for GNOME
    69. gnome-do - awesome searcher

    70. Conky

      Package Managers
    71. synaptic - package manager
    72. apt-fast - 'apt-get + axel' to download very fast
    73. aptitude - command line package manager
    74. pacman - package manager

    75. chomium-browser
    76. google-chrome-stable
    77. firefox
    78. konqueror - advanced file manager, web browser and document viewer

      Media editors
    79. picasa(on wine) - photo editor/viewer
    80. blender - 3D modelling
    81. gimp - photo editor
    82. audacity - audio editor
    83. inkscape - an SVG editing program
    84. dia - diagram editor (UML,Use Case,ER..etc)

    85. Kdenlive - awesome video editing software

      Media Players
    86. amarok
    87. banshee
    88. vlc
    89. mplayer
    90. Rhythmbox

    91. unity
    92. gnome-shell 3
    93. kde plasma
    94. awesome
    95. openbox

    96. open Arena
    97. savage2
    98. assault cube
    99. nexuiz
    100. super tuxkart
    101. blobby volley
    102. hedgewars